Record the first step, first words, first tooth, first haircut, first birthday and many more moments with this beautiful gender neutral baby journal. With generous space for memories, photos and milestones from pre birth through to one year old. This guided journal will become a cherished keepsake of a treasured time.
This journal is guided throughout and is created for non-gender specific baby, parents and grandparents.
Table Of Contents
First Baby Photo | P3
My Parents | P4
My Siblings | P6
My Grandparents | P8
My Aunts & Uncles | P12
The First 9 Months | P14
Baby Shower | P18
The Birth | P20
First Family Photos | P24
My Name | P26
The Year I was Born | P27
Welcome Home | P28
One to Twelve Months | P30-77
My First Birthday | P78
My First Holiday | P82
My First Christmas | P86
My First Haircut | P90
My First Steps | P91
My Teeth | P92
Parent Wishes | P94
A Gift For Me | P96